This page last updated: 1/21/00
List No: 2286
Directions: Nice Building Lot with plenty of room to Play.
Electric and Phone on site. Mobile Home on Property, no value

Price: $25,000
Financing: Cash or Owner Finance with Large Down
Lot Size: 8.43 acres
Topography: Sloping
Electricity: Yes
Water: Undeveloped
Sewer: Undeveloped
Access: Gravel
Zoning: KPB
Covenants: No
Assessments: None Known
List # 2284
Directions: East End Rd to Approx. mile 14.8. right on Trail Mountain
Rd, first lot on left.

Description: Southeast sloping meadow with panoramic view of Kachemak
Bay, Glaciers, Mountains and Homer Spit. Good access just off
paved East End Rd. Lot was recently surveyed.
Price: $37,000
Financing: Cash
Topography: Sloping
Electricity: Adjacent
Water: Undeveloped
Sewer: Undeveloped
Access: Gravel
Zoning: Borough
Covenants: Yes
Assessments: None Known
List No:2281

Directions: Greer Rd. to Finch St. Last lot on right.
Description: View of Kachemak Bay. Property was recently logged
to remove beetle killed trees. Adjoining lot (Tract P) is also
for together. sale and seller will consider discount if both parcels
are sold together.
Price: $17,500
Financing: Cash or $3,500 down, balance payable at $177.35 per
month inc. 9% int. for 10 yrs.
Lot Size: 4.376 Ac.
Topography: Rolling
Electricity: Adjacent
Water: Undeveloped
Sewer: Undeveloped
Access: Gravel
Zoning: N/A
Covenants: No
Assessments: None Known
List No:2280

Directions: Greer Rd. to Finch St. second lot from end on right.
Description: View of Kachemak Bay. Property was recently logged
to remove beetle killed trees. Adjoining lot (Tract Q) is also
for together. sale and seller will consider discount if both parcels
are sold together.
Price: $25,000
Financing: Cash or $5,000 down, balance payable at $253.35 per
month inc. 9% int. for 10 yrs.
Lot Size: 4.523 Ac.
Topography: Rolling
Electricity: Adjacent
Water: Undeveloped
Sewer: Undeveloped
Access: Gravel
Zoning: N/A
Covenants: No
Assessments: None Known
List No:2278(c)
Directions: See listing office for map.
Description: Relax at this get-away cabin between East End Road
and Caribou Lake. There is a great veiw of mountains and glaciers
and a spring on the property.
Price: $32,500
Financing: $5000 Down, Balance payable at $287.17 per month including
9 1/2% interest for 15 years.
Lot Size: 4.795
Topography: Sloping
Electricity: No
Water: Undeveloped
Sewer: Undeveloped
Access: Dedicated
Zoning: N/A
Covenants: Yes
Assessments: None

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