Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the LORD, and you will know that the LORD Almighty has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the LORD your God." (Zecheriah 6:15)
In 1996 and 1997 the Homer Nazarene Church had the pleasure and privelege of hosting many different "church builders." Work and witness teams came from Nazarene and Assembly of God churches in Minnesota, North Dakota and Florida to work eight hours a day. The building is now about 75% done, with the upper level needing the most work. The volunteers, ranging in age from 16 to 71 years old, finished the bathroom facilities downstairs and plumbed the upstairs, worked on the roof, put in several windows, and painted the parsonage. Other projects were accomplished as well.
The workers came under the Nazarene "Work and Witness" program that allows church members to travel all over the world to help do work for churches and homes. Not only do they get to serve the Lord and meet new people, the volunteers go out into the community and witness to others.
Scheduled for this coming summer: teams from Georgia and Florida to help with the insulation and
sheet rock upstairs. Watch us grow!
Thanks to all our church builders, may God bless you richly...

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Tamara Reiser dba CompuMom Computer Services,Mail Compu-Mom Copyright(c) Tamara Reiser. Created: 10/18/97 Updated: 11/13/1999