The sub-committees efforts are very encouraging. Several meetings have taken place to this point, with meaningful dialog and forward progress the result. CRPC will have it's regulary scheduled general meeting on the 4th. The watershed committee will be meeting again on the 1st. The group has identified goals and has started working on obstacles. From there we will go to resolving those obstacles.
The community development committee has identified many areas of improvement and goals for the community, and got started in the last meeting working through some of those items. The first issue they tackled was the problems with the Anchor Point Cemetery, and how those problems could best be resolved. They also approved a draft incorporation to 501c3 status.
The KPB Assembly is no longer wrestling with the proposed amendments to the Material Site Ordinance, 98-33. Instead, they threw it out and introduced in its place a new ordinance that will have no regulatory impact on development of material sites in the groundwater, nor will it require notification to homeowners that a material site permit has been applied for, or granted. The Assembly basically tossed out all the effort that many people put into the 98-33 ordinance. The Assembly will hear public testimony at one more meeting, the 2nd of February. If you are at all interested in helping to develop policy that will play a key roll in shaping the future of this beautiful country, and what the quality of life will be like for our children, then please attend the meeting and let your voice be heard. It would be even better to submit written comments to the Assembly and the KPB Planning Dept. Not only is our quality of life at stake, but the preservation of the eco-system, and the protection of homeowners' investments as well. The question of the day is; "Understanding that we all need gravel, do we develop indiscriminately, and let our children pay the price, or do we recognize that we also need water, and that homeowners have rights as well, and that there is a balanced approach that allows for gravel extraction and preservation of resources, and protection of private property rights?" Only you can answer this question. But you must speak, now!
On a brighter note, the CRPC will be holding an "Event" on the 6th of February at the Chapman School in Anchor Point. Door prizes and information, as well as a pot luck dinner, will hopefully entice many neighbors to come see what the CRPC is all about, and how they can become involved in shaping the future of their community.