North To Alaska
Land Of The Midnite Sun..Or Noon Time Moon Depending On The Time Of Year!
A Photo Album
Last update May 10, 1997
(I know,I'm slacking)
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Here it is if you want it!
"640K ought to be enough for anybody."
-- Bill Gates, 1981
WELCOME to my little corner of Alaska, my name is Mark. I work construction which allows me to travel extensivily throughout the state of Alaska. Mostly in small single engine airplanes as most places are only accesable by the air. I have put together a small collection of photos I've taken of wildlife, and also some of what I like to do for fun.
I live in a small town named Homer (follow the links for details) which is
located on the Kenai Peninsula, in south centeral Alaska.
(please be patient as photos are of high quality but worth the wait!)
Cow moose with twin calves
The Columbia Glacier in the Prince William Sound
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
--Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
I would like to the following people!
Clint for taking the time to scan all my photos
Joe for taking the time to make a "how to" outline on webpages, And answering all my questions!

Dave Barker for creating and providing an EXECELLENT online service
3-D courtesy of:
Earn one for your homepage to represent YOUR
I have won several AWARDS! Thanks to everyone involved! you can view them here!
This Weeks Background Midi Selection is: "Tainted Love" By Soft Cell!
- Any Questions or Comments feel free to e-mail me!
Ya know I wish just once this guy
would catch this guy
Yep thats right folks I like Loony Tunes!

- Stop back by as photos are subject to change! This page is undergoing constant construction!...hehehe...what do you expect from a construction worker?
Planning a trip to Homer need a place to stay?
L & J Bed & Breakfast P.O. Box 1751 Homer, Ak. 99603 or call (907) 235-7378 ask for Jill.
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